Must read this books before investing.

As the title we are talking about top five books which are helps to boosting our investing knowledge and describe about the value of investing and emphasizes long term strategies


  • The Intelligent Investor written by Benjamin Graham.
  •  In this book the author describes the principle of investing and long-term strategies, risk management, and emotional discipline.
  •  This book is referred as best book on investing. 

Benjamin Graham

2.    A Random Walk Down Wall street-

  • This book is written by Burton Malkiel.
  •  In this book introduction of investing, stocks analysis and mutual fund are described.
  •  This book perfect for the beginner investor to understand the behavior of market.

 Common stocks and uncommon profit-

  • This book is written by Phillip Fisher.
  • Ø In this book author describe qualitative analysis and long-term growth.

4  One up on wall street-

  • This book is written by Peter Lynch.
  • In this book the author detailing the individual investor how can perform beyond the street.
5  Life and work-

  • This book written by Ray Dalio.
  • In this author describe the decision- making strategies and hedge funds.
